Dementia Care Consulting
Always a Village’s mission is to support any and all caregivers of those living with dementia.
Caring for someone living with dementia is an amazing job, but it can be incredibly difficult! Whether you volunteered to work in the field of dementia care or you have been called into it following a loved one’s diagnosis, I am here to support you. As a caregiver, you devote countless hours of your own time and so much of your own energy towards caregiving, it is easy to lose track of caring for yourself. I plan to provide support, counseling, and education to improve your own quality of life and by extension, the person(s) you are caring for.
The lists below depict some of the caregivers required for someone living with dementia. With Always a Village, it is my goal to work with as many of these caregivers as possible so that you have an entire village of support around you. You, the caregiver, and those you are caring for deserve as much support as you can possibly receive. It is not the responsibility of any one caregiver to meet all the needs of a person or group of people living with dementia. It will always take a village.
Direct Caregivers
Family Member
Nursing Assistant
Speech-Language Pathologist/SLPA
Physical Therapist/PTA
Occupational Therapist/COTA
Social Worker
Fellow Community Group Member (i.e., place of worship)
Adult Day Care Center Employee
Life Enrichment Staff
Indirect Caregivers
Dietary Staff Member
Healthcare Facility Office or Administrative Staff
Transportation Employee
Community Employee (i.e., store personnel)
First Responder
Student Preparing for Dementia Caregiving
If you answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, I am here to help!
Do you work with person(s) living with dementia as your daily job?
Does someone in your family have a diagnosis of dementia?
Do you feel overwhelmed by the level of care required for someone living with dementia?
Do you wish you had more support as a caregiver to help both yourself and the person living with dementia?
Are you a student or employee-in-training to work with others living with dementia, wanting to learn more to prepare for your role?
Have you been a caregiver for a while and are feeling burned out because of your daily roles and responsibilities?
Do you ever leave a doctor’s or specialist’s appointment regarding the care of someone living with dementia and feel unsure that you have a full grasp on the disease, symptoms, or its treatment?
Do you work at a senior care or healthcare facility and would like more dementia-focused training for your staff?